Steps & Outcomes
The three steps of the project
Considering the central role of the governmental body to implement the Council Directive (2011/70/Euratom) in their respective countries, the first step of this project will be, in collaboration with EC, to engage in discussion with Member States representatives in order to clarify the organisation of their national R&D.
The second step will be to identify existing (or developing) research programmes or research agendas that could contribute to the identification of common scientific objectives and activities as well as specific aspects that the “mandated actors” would like to develop in the Joint Programme.
The third step will be to draft the joint “Programme Document” that should be the technical background of the Joint Programming. The “Programme Document” will comprise programmes focused on key priorities of WMOs, TSOs, and of other public programmes led by Research Entities whose priorities according to a national context may not be oriented towards immediate implementation but of longer term perspective beyond 2025 (referring to the IGD-TP’s Strategic Research Agenda).
In order to prepare the implementation of this Joint Programming, a study will be carried out. The study will comprise of three aspects:
- One dealing with the evaluation of the potential commitment (finance and in-kind) in a JP of the mandated actors,
- One dealing with the guidelines for the governance of the JP. The governance should reflect expectations of different actors, while taking into account the expectations of the Civil Society; the balance between the mandated actors’ needs within the JP should be consistent with the efforts provided by the participants.
- One dealing with the legal scheme of the JP and especially: the legal status of all the organisations part of the JP, the commitments of the parties (in-kind and financial resources) and the legal binding documents to be prepared between on one hand the EC and on the other hand the participants (programmes owners and programme managers.
Outcomes of the project
The outcomes of the project will be:
- A preliminary evaluation of a potential in-kind and financial commitment of Member States through their identified mandated actors,
- A “Programme Document” listing key priorities of WMOs, TSOs side and Research Entities, including encompassed time-schedules,
- A “Report” comprising a proposal for the implementation of this Joint Programming including the legal framework, the Terms of Reference, the rule of procedures and the bylaws.Involvement in the JOPRAD project, however, does not imply commitment of the participant or its member state to joint programming. Instead, at the end of the project, the ministries, the potential JP participants and EC will decide if they want to move forward for a JP.